What is Night Song?

Night Song is our modern name for the ancient monastic compline liturgy. Compline is the service held in religious communities immediately before retiring for the night. The general themes for compline are spiritual peace, deep silence, reflection over the day, rest, sleep, the comfort of darkness, trust, and protection. These are the themes conveyed through unaccompanied singing at Night Song, music that will bring you respite and help you reset for the coming week.

At Night Song the free flowing melodic lines of ancient and modern chant transport listeners to a deep spiritual dimension. The punctuation of Night Song with three long periods of silence puts the brakes on the frenzy of daily life and will help you reach a peaceful state of meditation.

Psalm settings by Patricia Van Ness and Daryl Bichel amplify the themes. Unique settings by Bichel employ alternation of simple chant tones with four-part Anglican chant. The works of Van Ness hearken to medieval and Renaissance music, resulting in an ethereal sound that seems both ancient and new. The psalm texts will speak directly to your mind and heart.

Polyphonic motets from the Renaissance period stand out as brilliant gems at Night Song, a striking aural contrast to the sublime simplicity of chant.

At Night Song's conclusion, we invite you to continue your silence through the evening until you lie down in peace. Then the following morning start your week renewed and refreshed for the challenges ahead and the opportunities to make your world a better place.

Our Mission

Night Song offers a brush with the Divine through contemplative ancient and modern music that conveys spiritual themes, particularly those of trust and protection. It provides a quiet space where, through being still and absorbing the music, you can find peace, inspiration, and a deeper connection with yourself and your world.

Join us for respite and reset.
Leave transformed.