SILENCE: As you enter the sanctuary begin a period of silence that extends through leaving the building. This is helpful for your own experience, as well as for that of others. There will be music, but even that is punctuated with three periods of silence for reflection. You may remain in the sanctuary after Night Song has concluded for an additional period of silence.

PARTICIPATION: No type of typical participation in church will be asked of you. Your participation IS being silent, being still to calm your mind and body, and being open to the experience. For total immersion, power off your cell phone and set it aside.

LENGTH: Night Song is usually 30-40 minutes in length.

DIMMED LIGHTING: The lighting will be low. We do not provide leaflets listing the music in order to avoid the distraction of trying to follow along and so that flashlights on cell phones are not being used during Night Song. The music list is always posted outdoors and inside the entrance.

CANDLES AND ICONS: Candles and art enhance the experience of Night Song. Often individual tapers are provided at the entrance. These can be lit and placed in an urn filled with sand. Art in the form of icons or projected slides may be used.

SOUNDS: In addition to music, bells and instruments may be used at Night Song. One thing you will never hear at Night Song though is spoken word.

SMOKE: We use incense inside and outside of the church, giving the flavor of monastic life and enhancing your brief experience of respite from daily life — time to refresh and reset for reentering your world.

BELIEFS: The nature of Night Song is Christian, but many who attend have other faith backgrounds and find that it speaks to them. Night Song is open to all, and can be experienced in multiple ways.

What to expect . . .

Donations in support of Night Song can be made at the entrance upon arriving or leaving. Donations, including automatic monthly contributions, can also be made through the First Church web site. Details.